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Showing posts from October, 2013

DeMeng Workshop

We made crazy vehicles in Michael DeMeng's workshop. Here are a selection of some of the works in progress: Here we had a critique with Michael discussing everyone's progress. I loved this steampunked up critter! This is the cool studio by the harbor that we worked in for four days, pretty cool view! Later in the day we had a project with Tracy and Teesha Moore with a bunch of artists from different workshops.


Last week my hubby and I went to Petaluma on an art retreat. It was more of an art treat! This is me looking smug because we had arrived at the hotel! Yes, I brought costumes ;-) We love the art of Michael DeMeng, so signed up for four days of working with him. Here are examples of his work (photos from his blog). He is represented at Blumfields Gallery in Boise. We actually bought the "Babbage Yabba Birdhouse" and spent some time under Michael's direction making our own versions. This is mine (awaiting a beak). Below is my husband holding his creation.